მწერალი და ემიგრაცია (ვიქტორ შკლოვსკის „რუსული ბერლინი“)

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უნივერსიტეტის გამომცემლობა
The existence of “Russian Berlin” in the history of the twentieth century emigration is a special phenomenon. In the 1920s after the Russian Civil War, thousands of émigrés fled to Berlin . V.Shklovsky called the Russian émigrés “refugees” with which he stressed the feeling of confusion many émigrés had. Some of them dreamed of returning to their native land but a large majority would have liked to see the collapse of the Bolshevik and anticipated it.” (Андреев, А : 36). Victor Shklovsky (1893-1984) is well-known as literary critic, novelist and leading figure of Russian formalism. Publication Victor Shklovsky’s “Sentimental Journey” - this interesting example of autobiographical prose in Berlin, In 1923, (Publishing house “Gelikon”), was followed by a broad response in émigré periodical press and at the same time it became a rarity. This is a book written step by step of political events which supplies us with interesting material on Russian emigration. Shklovsky describes impressions of the events that he witnessed in 1918-23, his undergraduate activities against Bolsheviks, his creative life at the Petrograd House of Arts-founded by M.Gorky and K.Chukovsky in 1919.
ვიქტორ შკლოვსკი, ბერლინი, „სენტიმენტალური მოგზაურობა”, Victor Shklovsky, Berlin, ”The Sentimental Journey”
პროფესორ ოთარ ბაქანიძისადმი მიძღვნილი საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია: ლიტერატურათმცოდნეობა: ისტორია, პერსპექტივები და გამოწვევები, თეზისები, 31 მარტი 2021, გვ. 103-106/ International Scientific Conference Dedicated to Prof. Otar Bakanidze: LITERARY STUDIES: HISTORY, PERSPECTIVES AND CHALLENGES, Abstracts, 31 March 2021, pp.: 103-106