The effect of foreign direct investments on innovation and technology transfer

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Publishing House of Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economics of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
The aim of the paper is to study impact of foreign direct investment on the innovation and technology transfer. Foreign direct investment is a major driver of globalization, economic growth and industrialization. FDI has a particular impact on technological development, productivity and growth, and the acquisition and improvement of new knowledge or skills. FDI inflows would increase countries' R&D and innovation activities. For the purpose of the study, the paper analyzes the positive and negative impact of foreign direct investment on the development of the country, draw special attention to the role of foreign direct investment in innovation and high technology transfer in transition economy countries. The paper examines the dynamics of foreign direct investment in Georgia. The Government investment policy is presented, which is related to the attraction of quality investments in the real sector of the economy, the implementation of investments in high-tech sectors and the transfer of knowledge and technologies. The authors investigated technology and innovation and linked it with Global Innovation Index.
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Foreign Direct Investment, Innovation, Technology Transfer, Global Innovation Index
Proceedings of Materials of International Scientific Internet Conference: Economic Problems of Modern World. 2020, pp.138-142