ლიტერატურულ ურთიერთობათა კვლევის პრინციპები და მეთოდოლოგია პოსტსაბჭოთა კომპარატივისტიკაში: ქართულ-სლავური ვექტორი

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უნივერსიტეტის გამომცემლობა
Observations on the development of comparative literature as a scientific discipline shows that it has become especially intense in Georgia since the second half of the twentieth century. Literary comparative studies, from its initial period, have occupied an intermediate position between the two adjacent disciplines - the history of literature and theory, and at different stages, from time to time, their vectors have diverged partly to history, partly to theory. When analyzing Georgian comparative works, there is a tendency that it is related to the scientific literature based on Georgian-foreign literary relations. The scientific products of this period are the part of the history of literature. It is possible to consider this part to be a positivist phase of comparative studies, which has been represented by genetic-contactological studies in Georgia. The return to the theory of comparative literature began in the 1980s. The works of N. Gaprindashvili, M. Miresashvili and others have influenced both the respect and the introduction of the principles and methodology of the study of literary relations in modern comparativism. There are two important vectors in Georgian scientific literature of the post-Soviet period: a) Traditional comparative studies - traditional and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of literary relations; b) Introduction of European and American scientific literature in accordance with the comparative aspects of theoretical literature. These two directions are rather different and separate from each other. Studies of relationships seem to have been discredited for some time. However, the quality and quantity of both Georgian and foreign scientific literature confirms that the problem the research of relations has recently become very relevant and closer to cultural studies. The following important approaches are introduced in the materials of literary communications: postcolonial theory, imagology, memory studies, intertextuality, etc. Translatology remains the most important problem among them. The present paper deals with the problems of establishing and functioning of the term literary relations in Georgian cultural mentality and its adaptation to comparative studies. On the one hand, the theoretical-methodological problems and concepts of the works of both Georgian and foreign scholars are analyzed and the role and the significance of these works in the comparative literature of the twenty-first century, on the other.
ლიტერატურული ურთიერთობები, შედარებითი ლიტერატურათმცოდნეობა, ქართულ-სლავური ლიტერატურული ურთიერთობები, Literary relations, comparative literature, Georgian-Slavic literary relations
მთარგმნელის დღისადმი მიძღვნილი სამეცნიერო შრომების კრებული, 2020, გვ.: 91-110