ნასყიდაშვილი, ნინო2021-09-242021-09-242020მთარგმნელის დღისადმი მიძღვნილი სამეცნიერო შრომების კრებული, 2020, გვ.: 152-162978-9941-13-965-9https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/777The combination of material and spiritual values that a particular ethnos has developed, assimilated and maintained throughout its existence, history, is an integral part of ethnic culture. The process of production and formation of national literatures was preceded by oral tradition. The translation of folk poetry, in addition to the abundance of artistic means, lexical elements and forms, requires a deep study of cultural, ethnographic elements, psychological aspects, in-depth philosophical understanding. For the translation of folk poetry it is necessary to use a variety of linguistic means, to create new semantic connections, to understand the root and content of the original text, and to convey it accurately accurately in the language of translation through appropriate linguistic means. From the point of view of the principles of poetic translation and the identity of the text, the Ukrainian and Russian translations of the Georgian folk ballad, “Tavparavneli Chabuki” and their translation analysis are interesting. Georgian literature, in particular, folk poetry, has been translated into many languages. Most of them have been studied, discussed and properly analyzed, although the Ukrainian translation of this ballad was long forgotten due to the political views of the translator. The Ukrainian translation of The Headless Young Man belongs to the famous twentieth-century Ukrainian writer Leonid Pervomaisky (Ilya Gurevich). In the analysis of the translation of a poetic work, the issue of rhythm is also considered as an important element. In the Ukrainian translation the principles of verse composition are absolutely correct (eight-syllable rhyme is used), and in the Russian translation - ten-syllable. The analysis of the considered translations showed that the translation of oral literature also plays a role in the study of ethnoculture and cultural dialogue, and the relative scarcity of translations of folklore works stems from its specificity, untranslated, archaic vocabulary. Nevertheless, the process of interpretation offers abundant and varied research material.geტექსტოლოგიური ანალიზიხალხური პოეზიაპოეტური თარგმანითარგმანის ანალიზიპოეტური თარგმანის მეთოდები და ლექსიკური ელემენტებიtextual analysisfolk poetrypoetic translationtranslation analysismethods of poetic translation and lexical elements„თავფარავნელი ჭაბუკის“ უკრაინული და რუსული თარგმანები ტექსტოლოგიური ანალიზიUkrainian and Russian translations of “Fellow with Covered Head” Text-based analysisArticle