გაფრინდაშვილი, ნანა2021-09-232021-09-232020მთარგმნელის დღისადმი მიძღვნილი სამეცნიერო შრომების კრებული, 2020, გვ.: 9-20978-9941-13-965-9https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/766Amongst the collective mediators of literary relations, the reference literature occupies a special place. In the four volumes of The Great Encyclopedia of Literary Heroes (Moscow, Terra, 2001) Georgian literature is represented by a single character, Avtandil. The publishers point out that their goal is not to portray only the main characters, but the characters, even secondary ones, who, continue to live forever in the reader’s imagination. Although Avtandil is not the protagonist of the epic, he is one of the main heroes who linger in the imagination of a tasteful, intelligent reader even after the book is closed. However, it cannot be claimed that Avtandil occupies a more important place than Tariel in the reader’s consciousness. The process of perception is individual. The reader of “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” may be most impressed by Fatman, a highly realistic and expressive artistic figure in the epic. However, in the case of such a respectable publication, we should not rely on the subjective perception of the ordinary reader. According to the tradition established in Georgia, which relies primarily on “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin”, when only one and the main characters of the poem is singled out, it is unconditionally Tariel. The encyclopedia article contains several debatable views: • “Avtandil differs from Tariel by his shrewd and sharp mind. While others bravely advance in the open struggle for justice…Avtandil achieves the same result, that is, the triumph of a just cause, but using diplomacy and cunningness. ” • “Oral traditions ... allow understanding this flourishing literature, of which only one epic about Avtandil remains.” • “Avtandil embodies the perfect ideal of western Georgia in contrast to Tariel, who is the soul of the eastern part of this country.” In terms of the development and circulation of literary relations, it is crucial to correctly position the exceptional works and characters in the world literary arena.geლიტერატურული ურთიერთობების კოლექტიური შუამავალიკლასიკური ტექსტი„ვეფხისტყაოსანი“ავთანდილიმხატვრული სახის ინტერპრეტაციაCollective mediator of Literary RelationsClassic text“The Knight in the Panther's Skin”AvtandilArtistic interpretation„შუამავლების“ როლი ლიტერატურული ურთიერთობების განვითარებაშიThe Role of “Mediators” in the Development of Literary RelationsArticle