Julakidze, Merab2021-12-202021-12-202021VI International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2021, pp. 481-489978-9941-491-35-1https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/8921. Merab Julakidze. (2010) A Macro Model of Georgia’s Socioeconomic Development and its use in forming Economic Policy. “Central Asia and The Caucasus “. Journal of Social and Political Studies. Volume 11, Issue 1, SWEDEN, p.p.137-145; 2. მერაბ ჯულაყიძე. (2009) საქართველოს სოციალურ-ეკონომიკური განვითარების მაკრომოდელის რეალიზაციის შესაძლებლობები. თეუსუ ჟურნალი „კომერსანტი“ №3(8), გვ.16-22; 3. მერაბ ჯულაყიძე. (2008) საქართველოს მშპ-სა და ძირითადი მაკროეკონომიკური აგრეგატების (დაზოგვა, მოხმარება, ინვესტიციები) ანალიზი და პროგნოზი გრძელვადიან პერიოდში. თეუსუ სამეცნიერო შრომების კრებული., გვ.171-190; 4. David N. Weil. (2008) Economic Growth. Brown University. Second Edition.The theory and practices of long-term development is a crucial subject matter in modern economics. The level of knowledge is a principal boundary between the present and future stances of the economy, and at the same time it is also a bridge. Until sufficient amount of knowledge is accumulated, future is mainly uncertain, and to make this better a bridge needs to be built or, in other words, knowledge needs to be accumulated. Only after meeting the basic needs of the society will we be able to move to a new phase: redirecting our efforts towards genuine interests and challenges. Social consistent pattern is that society as a whole is late to achieve what certain individual have already attained.gewelfare, long-term development, optimality criteria, research and development, practic and heuristicsEconomic problem of long-term developmentArticle