მირესაშვილი, მარიამ2021-09-232021-09-232020აკაკი წერეთლის დაბადებიდან 180 წლისთავისადმი მიძღვნილი სამეცნიერო შრომების კრებული, 2020, გვ.: 89-98978-9941-13-955-0https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/762While analyzing complex and controversial literary and cultural periods (that’s exactly how the first half of the last century literary atmosphere appears), there is a need for studying the letter as a document – the letter represents the realities of the everyday life of the era. Therefore, on the one hand we have a chance to watch the writer's "creative laboratory” (Stylistic, thematic and other political trends), and on the other hand we can discover the creator's personal qualities, moral postulates, lifetime convictions. In the following article we will discuss some letters of Boris Pasternak which are dedicated to his Georgian friends. This letters are a kind of verbal fixation of Pasternak’s beliefs about the art of translating, creativity and human relations, human existential problems. Literary critics always discuss Boris Pasternak’s visits to Georgia in the monographs dedicated to him. The first time writer visited Georgia was in 1930s. He met Paolo Iashvili, who was visiting Moscow in 1930 – Paolo invited him to Georgia and later, in 1931 Boris visited Tbilisi for three month. He met the best Georgian intellectuals like Titsian Tabidze, Giorgi Leonidze, Simon Chikovani, Nicolo Mitsishvili, Lado Gudiashvili and others. Boris had the best relations with these persons for the rest of his life.The conversations and messages between Boris Pasternak and Georgian poets that lasted for thirty years is a perfect proof of the fact that Pasternak called Georgia his “second homeland”.geბორის პასტერნაკიქართველი პოეტებიწერილი როგორც დოკუმენტი„შემოქმედებითი ლაბორატორია“Boris PasternakGeorgian poetsletter as a documentquot"creative laboratory”წერილი, როგორც ლიტერატურული ეპოქის დოკუმენტიLetter as a document of the Literary eraArticle