ჭანტურაია/ Tchanturaia, მამუკა/ Mamuka2022-09-222022-09-222021ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ჰუმანიტარულ მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტის ახალი ქართული ლიტერატურის ისტორიის კათედრა, XIX საუკუნე − ეპოქათა მიჯნა, სამეცნიერო შრომათა ჟურნალი N 2, თბილისი, 2021, გვ. 203-218 / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Faculty of Humanities Department of History of New Georgian Literature, XIX CENTURY – AT THE CROSSROADS OF EPOCHS, JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS N 2, Tbilisi, 2021, pp.: 203-2182720-7862https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/1910The fate brought Keto, abducted by the Lezghins, to the Naibs family, where she was brought up with the same love and tenderness as in her own Family. Foster parents literally doted on her and the child accepted her new lifestyle with ease, becoming oblivious to the past, which faded with each day. Soon there was nothing left in her past memories that were dear to her heart or what she missed and longed for. As it was said Keto was almost three by the time of her abducttion, i.e. at the age when the children begin to cognize the environment and the first impressions are established. Children of Keto’s age observe the nature, objects, and the events and remember them, including songs. They distinguish between the sounds they like or dislike. However, the memories that arise from that particular age disappear just as easily. That’s the reason why I. Gogebashvili chose the girl of that particular age to become the hero of his story. As we proceed with the story we observe that Keto’s parents Zurab and Magdan are desperate to make Keto’s emotional return to the family as quick as possible. For this reason they resort to the familiar strategy. The strategy to which many resort when they try to find something that has been accidentally lost – visiting old places, revival of the events, meeing old friends, etc., although, nothing helped. Keto remained frozen and insensitive to all and everything.” So what was the way out? Where the solution was? Sooner or later the writer finds the way for the return of the lost child to her parents. Initially, in order to find solution, the writer resorts to nature and describe the first days of May with great artistry. Improvement of mood and the traces of the involuntary thought soon found reflection on Ketpo’s sad, pensive face, which did not go unnoticed for her strenuous mother. The story tells us that nobody had heard Magdana sing since the loss of her daughter. The grief took away her voice. “Keto”, writes the author, “was trying hard to recall something but couldn’t clear her memory. Magadana saw it and added more expressiveness and attraction to her voice, watching her daughter closely, with maternal tenderness. Keto also watched her mother intensely as if trying to solve the mystery, which she finally did. She calmed down gradually and the black clouds lifted from her face… She jumped up from the sofa shouting the much desired word “Mother”, fell into Magdana’s arms and started to kiss her passionately. The tears trickled down their cheeks, but those were the tears of happiness, relief and elation.”The lullaby sung by the Georgian mother achieved the impossible, it returned the lost child to the motherland.”geიავნანაქეთომოტაცებაპედაგოგიკაპატრიოტიზმისამშობლოlullabyketokidnappingpedagogypatriotismhomelandიაკობ გოგებაშვილის მოთხრობის ‒ „იავნანამ რა ჰქმნა?“ ‒ მხატვრულ-ესთეტიკური გააზრებისათვის. For the artistic-aesthetic understanding of Iakob Cogebashvili’s story ‒ “Magic of Iavnana” The LullabyArticle