ანთაძე/ Antadze, თამარ/ Tamar2023-01-202023-01-202021-07-05XV საფაკულტეტო სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია, თეზისები, ივლისი 5-6, 2021, 19-22 გვ./ XV Faculty Scientific Conference, Abstracts, July 5-6, 2021, pp. 19-22https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/2096კონფერენცია მიძღვნილია აკადემიკოს კოტე წერეთლის 100 წლის იუბილესადმი/ DEDICATED TO THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF ACADEMICIAN KONSTANTINE TSERETELIThe paper focuses on a famous scholar, writer, founder of Napoleon International Society and bodybuilder Ben Weider. He largely contributed to the development of fi tness worldwide, and in 1946 founded an International Federation of Bodybuilding. Another fi eld of Weider’s interest was the life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Together with Sten Forshufvud, Weider introduced the “hypothesis of poisoning” and published several books and articles on this topic. Ben Weider’s works play a siginifi cant role in the study and promotion of Napoleonic history.geბენ უაიდერიBen Weiderისტორიკოსი ბენ უაიდერიHISTORIAN BEN WEIDERThesis