Манагадзе, Ана Джемаловна2021-04-292021-04-292016Collection of materials of Russian international scientific- practical conference-“Peace processes in the Caucasus, Lessons and Perspectives”. Grozno. Publishing house-“Chechnya republic Scientific Academy”.2016. p.246-250.978-5-9908605-1-3https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/688The Eastern Caucasus was left out of consideration from 1832 to 1839. Serious efforts were directed to the opposite end of the Caucasus, where the formation of the Black Sea coastline was begun with spending forces and great loss. The Caucasian war, which started from 1817 became protracted. This caused huge financial costs and human loss for the empire. There occurred non-existence of the right system and inability to reinforce on the conquered areas. Nicholas I understood that new ways ought to be found, strategy should be changed and it was necessary to compromise. In St Petersburg the plan to appease the Western Caucasus was matured through the peace negotiations and by neutralizing of Circassians. In the northern Caucasus Russian empire was relying on the long since devoted mountain devoted elite people to steady its positions. For this purpose in 1828 by the supreme order of Nicholas I the half-squadron was formed with the highest representatives of Caucasian mountain people, which was intended for the accompanying service of the imperial court. This division was called the half-squadron of leib-guard Caucasian mountain people. The squadron showed exceptional devotion by its participating in the suppression of Polish uprising in 1830-1831. At the same time it showed the examples of courage and exceptional cruelty. For the peaceful negotiations under the command of staff-captain Khan-Girei the deputation was chosen from the half-squadron officers of Circassian origin. The mission of the deputies who acted by the name of the king was to prepare the ground for traveling of Nicholas I to the Caucasus and Georgia in 1837ruРоссийская империяВосточный КавказНиколай IКавказская войнаRussian empireWestern CaucasusЧеркесыNikolas ICaucasian warКавказская война и зарождение миротворческих идей в конце 30-х ХIХ века. Провал миссии Хан-Гирея.The Caucasian war and peaceful ideas in the 30s of XIX century Khan-Girey’s mission failureArticle