მანაგაძე, ანა2021-05-012021-05-012016თსუ „საქართველოს სამეზობლოს კვლევის ინსტიტუტის“ I საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო კონფერენციის „პოლიტიკა კავკასიის ირგვლივ“ მასალები. 2016. გვ. 103-106. (Tbilisi State University) “ Research Institute of Neighborhood of Georgia”, the I international scientific conference” Policy around the Caucasus”. Tbilisi 2016 . p. 103-106978-9941-13-573-6https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/689One of the reasons of procrastination of the 19th century Caucasian war became the contradiction of the interest of Russia, Turkey, England in this region . Caucasian problem became especially important in the 19th century. The Caucasus becomes the object of not only the Russian-Iranian- Turkish controversy but EnglishFrench-Russian as well. Russia, Turkey and England fought for gaining the political priorities in the Northern–Western part of the Caucasus. Increasing interest of Russia and Western European societies’ towards the Caucasus caused the flow of travellers , supervisors and secret agents to this region. One of them was a French peeper count De Suzannet.His biography isn’t known. Travelling recordings of count rises great interests. He visited the Caucasus first in1835 and for second time -in 1840. The author gives the historical review to the hostile acts in the Caucasus from 1828 to 1840 and the main thing is that he word for word gives us the content of the conversation with the high rank military servants that he had in Caucasus. De Suzannet met lots of interesting people from the head of the Caucasian corp infantry general A.E.Golovin and Caucasian line head general-adjutant P.Ch. Grabbe—to occational officers. De Suzannet severelly criticizes Russian high rank military servants and ordinal officers too. He acquired important political and military information from personally ruler and military people. Forasmuch he was accepted as an esteemed guest. Count De Suzannet published his manuscript with the title -“Caucasian provincies under Russian dominion “Georgia, Daghestan, Caspian Littoral and Kuban Coasts” in the magazine “Revue des deux Mondes” in France. This magazine is still being published and is very popular in the country.geგრაფი დე სუზანეტფილისირუსეთის კავკასიური პოლიტიკარუსი გენერლებიCount de SuzannetTiflisCaucasian policy of RussiaRussian generalsრუსეთის პოლიტიკა კავკასიაში მე-19 საუკუნეში. (გრაფ დე სუზანეს -„კავკასიური პროვინციები რუსეთის ბატონობის ქვეშ. საქართველო,დაღესტანი, კასპიის ზღვისპირეთი და ყუბანის ნაპირები“ ნაშრომის მიხედვით)Caucasian Policy of Russia in 19th Century. (According to the work of count De Suzannet ‘’ Caucasian provinces under Russian dominion. Georgia, Daghestan , Caspian Littoral and Kuban Coasts“)Article