ლაბაძე, რუსუდან / Labadze, Rusudan2024-04-262024-04-262009სამეცნიერო პარადიგმები, კრებული ეძღვნება პროფესორ ნათელა ვაჩნაძეს, თბილისი, მერიდიანი, 2009, გვ. 622-635 / Scientific Paradigms, Studies in Honour of Professor NatelaVachnadze, Tbilisi, Meridiani, 2009, pp. 622-635978-9941-10-222-6https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/2455https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325194755_Master_of_Historian's_Territory_in_Georgian_with_English_summary"The Peasants of Laguedoc", "The Territory of the Historian", The History of Climate since the Yesr 1000", "Montaillou. Cathars and Catholics in a French Village" (1294-1324) - this is a short list of Ladurie's works. In these books the scholar extraordinarily expanded the borders of the historian's territory. He included the analysis of quantitative information into research, and the appearance of climate - a new phenomenon, under the protection of Clio became permanently connected with the French historian's name. Ladurie's "History without Human Beings" is a history of nature where human being only lives and does not rule. The Georgian translation of one of the chapters of "Montaillou" - "Temporary Unions" with a commentary, is appended to the article.otherისტორიკოსის ტერიტორიის მეპატრონეMaster of Historian’s TerritoryArticle