ჯალიაშვილი, მაია2022-03-242022-03-242021-12-23სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია „XIX საუკუნე – ეპოქათა მიჯნა“, თეზისები, თბილისი, 2021, გვ. 91-94 / Scientific Conference XIX CENTURY – THE BOUNDARY OF EPOCHS, ABSTRACTS, Tbilisi, 2021 pp. 91-94https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/1332An existential crisis, revealing the pain of human existence, manifests itself in a number of literary texts with various variations depending on the philosophical, religious or aesthetic worldview of the authors. In this point of view, Vazha-Pshavela and Besik Kharanauli are related to each other, in whose work the topic of the search for human meaning is important. We explain a few poems by Vazha-Pshavela and Besik Kharanauli in the intertextual context. In these texts, the stream of thoughts of the author is aimed at finding out, understanding the purposes of a person. The real-metaphysical spaces are arranged in the poems. Lyrical characters are trying to break out of the framework of life and overcome vanity. In the chronotope of poetry, on the one hand, there is an existence hidden by pain and death, with its monotonous routine, on the other hand, there is a striving for the divine and sacred. Lyric characters, by their conscious choices, want to get rid of false values and give meaning to life, to their own existence. The chivalrous spirit of the heroes of Vazha-Pshavela, suggesting a striving for ideals, was lost in the man of the twentieth century. In the lyric poems by Besik Kharanauli, children name the broken unfortunate doll in honor of the main character Alexander and thus unwittingly, naively find the exact symbol of human essence. Alexander realizes that he is really a disabled doll who does not even have the strength to run away and free himself. Alexander is the author’s mask, Alter Ego. The Subjective and objective perceptions of realities change and evoke the essence of dreams. The thinking of the authors is philosophical and religious, which gives depth to their texts. There are boundless possibilities of wonderful words, which transform thoughts and ideas into a new forms.geეგზისტენციალური კრიზისივაჟა-ფშაველაბესიკ ხარანაულიპოეზიაინტერტექსტუალურ კონტექსტიExistential CrisisVazha-PshavelaBesik KharanauliPoetryIntertextual Contextეგზისტენციალური კრიზისი ვაჟა-ფშაველასა და ბესიკ ხარანაულის პოეზიის ინტერტექსტუალურ კონტექსტშიExistential Crisis in the Intertextual Context of Vazha-Pshavela’s and Besik Kharanauli’s PoetryThesis