შველიძე, დიმიტრი2022-06-232022-06-232011ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის საქართველოს ისტორიის ინსტიტუტის შრომები, IV, თბილისი, 2011, გვ. 231-245 / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Institute of Georgian History Proceedings, IV, Tbilisi, 2011, pp. 231-2451987–9970https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/1699https://geohistory.humanities.tsu.ge/ge/procedings/83-shromebi/136-shromebi-4.htmlDuring the first half of the 17th century Russia had no military and political strength to challenge Iranian influence in Eastern Georgia. In such circumstances, almost half a century, Teimuraz I King of Kakheti was permanently conducting pro-Russian foreign political course. Along with other reasons, irrational policies of Teimuraz had twice put population of Kakheti Kingdom in a great danger, first, while genocide in 1616, and then while attempts of ethnic extinction in 1650s.geთეიმურაზ Iყიზილბაშებიკახეთითეიმურაზ I-ის საგარეო პოლიტიკა და მისი შედეგებიFOREIGN POLlCY OF TEIMURAZ I AND ITS CONSEQUENCESArticle