მაღლაკელიძე, ანაMaghlakelidze, Ana2021-08-032021-08-032019III International Symposium for Young Scholars in the Humanities (Symposium proceedings)978-9941-26-726-0https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/730To demonstrate the function, contextual and formative expressions of a production designer, quite a few works of the Georgian cinema, especially the works of the transition period, are being studied. However, one of the most distinguished artists on the path from the minimalist to the rich conditional space is Dimitri Eristavi. Dimitri Eristavi's work in the film "Giorgobistve" is distinguished by its strong individualism of the thematic and dramaturgical form. The vision expressed in the sketches allows us to unravel both conceptual understanding and a fully functioning space, with its sense of angles and perspective. Dimitri Eristavi's design is captivating in its own right, with an authorial approach, he looks for art and creates it where the environment is completely natural. Hint and minimalism are the artistic terms of the artist and the director himself. The paper discusses the examples of the sketches and episodes of the director's office, the large room of Niko's house and other episodes. The details accidentally “discovered” by the artist in the interior do not seem to be overpowering. "Giorgobistve", as a film conveying a minimalist artistic solution, remains as an example of the attitude of the production designer to realism. In this film, the work of the artist is both minimalistic and at the same time very artistic in its interpretation of reality, which plays an important role in the research of a film and today's approaches to the function of a production designer.ge"Giorgobistve"Minimalist ViewDimitri Eristaviდიმიტრი ერისთავის მხატვრობა ფილმში „გიორგობისთვე“ (ესკიზების მაგალითზე)"Giorgobistve" — A Minimalist View of the Artist (Artist Dimitri Eristavi)Article