თოფჩიშვილი, როლანდ2022-06-132022-06-132012ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის საქართველოს ისტორიის ინსტიტუტის შრომები, V, თბილისი, 2012, გვ. 146-172 / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Institute of Georgian History Proceedings, V, Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 146-1721987–9970https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/1634https://geohistory.humanities.tsu.ge/ge/procedings/83-shromebi/146-shromebi-5.htmlImportant ethnic and demographic changes took places from the 15th-16th centuries in the northern historical-ethnographic parts of Georgia: in East Kakheti Georgians were substituted with Daghestanians, migration of Adigeian tribes in North-West part caused cultural transformation of local Abkhazs, old Abkhazs were replaced with new Abkhazs, and in the central part, first in Dvaleti and then in the highlands of Shida Kartli, in the Eastern part of Truso and Racha (in Kudaro) the representatives of the Ossetian ethnic group were settled. The present work deals with the raids of Ossetians (which have migrated from North Caucasus to Georgia) in the central part of Georgia. Local Georgian highlanders moved to live in the front part of the highlands and lowland in groups. Their migration was caused by two reasons: 1. Muslim invasions in the lowlands formed demographic crisis – Georgian highlanders used to settle in the villages abandoned by Georgians. 2. Migration of Georgian highlanders in the lowlands was accelerated by the raids of North Caucasians as well. The ethnic groups locked in the North Caucasian mountains usually were engaged in raids, which was their professional activity; they robbed both one another and the highlanders of Georgia. Ethnic Ossets managed to settle in the provinces of the Georgian highlands just through such raids. After settling in the Georgian highlands, Ossetians did not stop raiding and robbing the Georgian population of the front mountain part and lowland of Georgia. They also took Georgians as hostages and then sold them or made them their slaves. There are more than one facts fixed in the Georgian historical sources and historical documents, in regard of the raids of Ossetians, which were settled in Dvaleti and Shida Kartli, conducted by them in front mountain and lowland part. There exist many ethnographic and folklore data as well. The Ossetian legends also exist on the Ossetians’ raids in Shida Kartli. Ossetian writer Kosta Khetagurov wrote about robberies and slave kidnapping by Ossetians in the Shida Kartli villages: “In case of special trust and good attitude the owner of the Ossetian house (sakla) can show you several silver articles: heavy forged belt, cup, ladle, ancient coins and similar “treasure”, which he got from his ancestor after the raiding of the property of some Georgian prince”. German authors of the 18th and 19th centuries Johann Anton Güldenstädt and Eduard Eichwald also wrote about the Ossetians’ raids. The Ossetians’ raids continued till mid-19th century. Though by the mid-19th century period the Russian Tsarist authorities suspended the raids of Ossetians living in the mountains, in the second half of the 19th century the robbing of Georgians still continued. More than one publications are published in the Georgian press of that period. That the main area of Ossetians’ raids was Georgia is proved by the Ossetian term “Gurdziak”, designating a slave.geოსებითარეშებიმიგრაციებიქართულ-ოსური ურთიერთობების ნეგატიური ასპექტი: ოსთა თარეშები შიდა ქართლშიNEGATIVE ASPECT OF GEORGIAN-OSSETIAN RELATIONS: RAIDS OF OSSETIANS IN SHIDA KARTLIArticle