Seturi, Maia2021-03-092021-03-092016Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary Academic Conference (Proceedings of The 6th MAC 2016), Prague, 2016, pp. 172-181978-80-88085-05-8 Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Marketing management, 14-th ed., Prentice Hall, p. 242. ISBN 978-0-13-210292-6 2. National Statistics Office of Georgia, External Merchandise Trade of Georgia in January-October 2015. 3. Возвращение минеральной воды"Боржоми" на российский рынок, in Russion, 4. Филип Котлер, Вальдемар Пферч. Бренд –менеджмент в В2В сфере, Пер с англ, С.-пб. издателство “ВЕРШИНА”, in Russion, 2007, p.221 5. Филип Котлер, Вальдемар Пферч. Бренд –менеджмент в В2В сфере, Пер с англ, С.-пб. издателство “ВЕРШИНА”, in Russion, 2007, p.222 6. Borjomi mineral water of volcanic origin, Borjomi Georgia, 7. Минеральная вода «Боржоми» вновь на российском рынке, in Russion, pro 100, 11 - Апр – 2013, 8. Volcanic spring of Borjomi, 9. 10. 11. is very important for the company to use the trademark and manage them effectively in the working conditions on the competitive market. Trademark (Brand) obsesses the consumer's attention, attracts them and in case of customer’s satisfaction ensures their loyalty. But the brand can’t be considered in unchanged way, even strong and successful brand is evolving and changes over the time. The goal of my research was to study customers’ attitude toward "Borjomi" on Georgian market and to assess the weaknesses, which might be linked to the development of the brand and its further success’s based on the results of the research. There is not still well developed and thought the largest importance of branding in the business of companies commercial success, for example, non-existent work experience of branding in the past.enTrademark, market, brand, brand effectiveness, branding, brand image, marketing, consumer, loyality, competitive marketBrand success evaluationArticle