პაიჭაძე/ Paichadze, თამარ/ Tamar2022-09-222022-09-222021ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ჰუმანიტარულ მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტის ახალი ქართული ლიტერატურის ისტორიის კათედრა, XIX საუკუნე − ეპოქათა მიჯნა, სამეცნიერო შრომათა ჟურნალი N 2, თბილისი, 2021, გვ. 135-145 / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Faculty of Humanities Department of History of New Georgian Literature, XIX CENTURY – AT THE CROSSROADS OF EPOCHS, JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS N 2, Tbilisi, 2021, pp.: 135-1452720-7862https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/1907An ambiguity about principles of the division into periods is noticeable in modern literary discussion. Every dispute of this subject begins with the verification of the fact, that history of literature may be defined by different principles. Either, writers creative biography’s evaluating and analyses method should be subordinated under historical belonging, or to make a classification in accordance with essentials of creative works legacy. There is two ways to correct that mistake.1) to make a division into periods only by character-ristic principle in accordance with different modulations. A) To definite by formal-directive belonging, for example: age of Renaissance, Romanticism, Modernism, Realism. B) or by outstanding writers of epoch, for example: the age of Ilia, Rustaveli, Baratashvili, Galaktion. But anyway there is certain disparity between those principles of modulation. For example to which formal-directive module’s subordinating is Galaktion Tabidze-Renaissance, Romanticism, Modernism, Realism. Or he should be studied under all modules in accordance with his universalism? By the way also acts the principle of prioritization and opposition: for example, how to name 19-th century’s 60-80 years time – the age of Ilia Chavchavadze, Akaki Tsereteli, or Vaja-Pshavela, or 19- th century’s 20-30 years time-the epoch of Galaktion Tabudze or Konstantine Gamsakhurdia?! Second principle is clear calendar definition: for example, 20th century’s Georgian writings begins in 1900 year. But still remains controversial many issues. And finally according with world’s literary I would underline, that in every existed reader-historical works is followed all principles of historical chronology, though characteristic difference is submitted with regularity. In conclusion, it is obvious, that literary-historical definition means attribute and chronological synthesis, limit, that literate must follow while making definition, because both components: chronology and attribute determinate the place of writer in literature’s history.geლიტერატურაპერიოდიზაციაეპოქაქრონოლოგიამსოფლმხედველობაჟანრიLiteraturePeriodizationEpochChronologyWorldviewGenreქართული ლიტერატურის ქრონოლოგიზაციის საკითხისათვის – მწერლობა ორი ეპოქის ზღვარზე. For the issue of chronology of Georgian literature - Literature at the crossroads of two epochsArticle