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BOA-BSLAB-Symposium-2018.pdf  World Economic Forum; The Global Competitiveness Report 2018, Country/Economy Profiles, Georgia report-2018  World Economic Forum; The Global Competitiveness Report 2018, Country/Economy Profiles, Georgia pdf  Zaalishvili L. (2018). umaghlesi saganmanatleblo dawseebulebebis professor-maswavleblebis kvleviti produqtiuloba sakartveloshi. [The research productivity of professors of higher education institutions in Georgia. Ilia State University. Tb. Master Thesis] in Georgian. rapid and leapfrogging development of the world economy is linked to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is estimated that “across all industries, by 2022, growth in emerging professions is set to increase their share of employment from 16% to 27% (11% growth)” (WEF FJR 2018, viii), “57% of workplaces in OECD countries will be at risk of automation” (Nuttall, 2018), “by one popular estimate, 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist” (WEF FJ 2016, 3). Such predictions give researchers the basis for announcing Reskilling Revolution (WEF, 2018; RFIR, 2016). It can be said with high probability that scientific research can’t be replaced by artificial intelligence. A part of the research funded by the European Union is given in the article and the scientific-research system of Georgia in international indicators together with the Eastern Partnership Countries is discussed. In 1996-2019, Georgia was third among the Eastern Partnership Countries after Ukraine (42nd place) and Belarus (67th place). It should be noted that Belarus and Georgia have an equal H index (184, despite the difference of 18 positions in the overall ranking), but Armenia has a better indicator (190). The innovation opportunities of Georgia are analyzed based on reports of the World Economic Forum for 2018-2019. Georgia has a good position with none of the indicators, but a special failure is in the first of them. The country turned out to be in the second hundreds with three indicators from four in the list. The reason for this is the lack of necessary connections for the formation of the knowledge triangle, the triple spiral and the innovative ecosystem (between the State, Business, Science and Education) in defining education policy. The analysis presented in the article is based on studies conducted in Georgia on the productivity of scientific research. There have been offered the ways to improve the situation, in particular: introduction of minimum requirements for TSU Academic Staff based on appropriate incentives; increasing the volume of funding for scientific research from the State and Universities; funding must be provided according to thematic competitions (Encourage Teamwork), as well as focusing on the achieved result (Encourage Individualism); funding must be directed to the development interests of the sectors of Country’s economy; encouraging the membership in the international scientific community, research and publication with a foreign colleague, membership in the editorial board of international scientific journals, reviewing, participation in international conferences and others.geEastern Partnership countries, scientific research system, global competitiveness, innovation opportunity, entrepreneurial universityThe scientific-research system of Georgia in international evaluations and some directions of its improvement (საქართველოს სამეცნიერო-კვლევითი სისტემა საერთაშორისო შეფასებებში და მისი გაუმჯობესების ზოგიერთი მიმართულება)Article