დათუკიშვილი/ Datukishvili, ქეთევან/ Ketevan2023-03-272023-03-272023-01-09სამეცნიერო სესია, მიძღვნილი აკადემიკოს ვარლამ თოფურიას ხსოვნისადმი, მასალები, 2023, გვ.: 25-32/ Scientific Session Dedicated to the Memory of Academician Varlam Topuria, Proceedings, 2023, pp.: 25-32978-9941-36-089-3https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/2208It is well known that in modern Georgian the formation of plural with -თ /t/ and -ნ /n/ suffixes is quite restricted. Unlike the widespread formation of the plural number with the suffix –ებ /eb/, plural number formed by means of თ /t/ suffix is rare and, as is noted in scholarly literature, it chiefly bears a stylistic function. In the grammar books focusing on the contemporary Georgian language, two case forms are represented with the suffix -ნ /n/ and three – with the suffix -თ /t/: nominative კაც-ნ-ი ergative კაცთ(ა) dative კაცთ(ა) genitive კაცთ(ა) instrumental – adverbial – vocative კაც-ნ-ო The paper focuses on the plural forms with suffix -თ /t/. It is interesting to consider their frequency in three cases (ergative, dative and genitive). Hence, the paper aims to find out whether these plural forms are actively used in the contemporary Georgian language. The analysis is based on the data of the National (namely, referential) corpus of the Georgian language. MA students of the Faculty of Humanities of Tbilisi State University – Mariam Goguadze, Nino Vekua, Nino Kirkitadze, Lela Mamuladze and Karina Janjghava took part in the collection of the material. The analysis of the material has yielded the following outcomes: in the contemporary literary Georgian, plural forms with the suffix -თ /t/ are mostly found in the genitive case forms. They are rare in the dative and even more scarce in the ergative. In our opinion, such plural forms in the ergative case no longer represent the data of the Georgian language. Hence, they should be viewed as archaic. All the above mentioned raises the issue of the change in the paradigm: when describing the contemporary Georgian language, forms with the suffix -თ /t/ should be given only in two cases (dative and genitive) and omitted in the ergative case. Thus, the paradigm should be as follows: nominative კაც-ნ-ი ergative – dative კაცთ(ა) genitive კაცთ(ა) instrumental – adverbial – vocative კაც-ნ-ო As for the forms used in fiction literature, they should be considered as archaisms performing a specific stylistic function.geთანიანი მრავლობითიმოთხრობითი ბრუნვამიცემითი ბრუნვანათესაობითი ბრუნვაბრუნების პარადიგმაplural formsergative casedative casegenitive casedeclension paradigmთანიანი მრავლობითი თანამედროვე ქართულ სალიტერატურო ენაშიPlural Forms with -თ /-t/ suffix in the Contemporary Literary Georgian LanguageArticle