ნავროზაშვილი, ეკატერინე2022-01-182022-01-182021-03-31პროფესორ ოთარ ბაქანიძისადმი მიძღვნილი საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია: ლიტერატურათმცოდნეობა: ისტორია, პერსპექტივები და გამოწვევები, თეზისები, 31 მარტი 2021, გვ. 81-84/ International Scientific Conference Dedicated to Prof. Otar Bakanidze: LITERARY STUDIES: HISTORY, PERSPECTIVES AND CHALLENGES, Abstracts, 31 March 2021, pp.: 81-84https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/1069In the 1920s, “Song of Solomon” (šir hašširím ˀašér lišlomó in Hebrew, with a traditional Georgian title of “Praise of Praise”) was translated directly from Hebrew into Georgian twice. The first translator of the text is Gertsel Baazov. Later, the book was translated by Nathan Eliashvili. “Song of Solomon” N. Eliashvili’s translation was published at different times in Tbilisi and Tel Aviv. “Song of Solomon” is one of the poetic works and is interesting in many ways. In the book we come across: alliteration, assonance, paronomasia, repetition of words or phrases, anadiplosis, anaphora, epiphora and refrain, tropes - metaphor, comparison, epithet ... The text is built on the principle of parallelism and has the form of dialogue. The report examines Nathan Eliashvili’s translation of “Chant of Solomon”. Through textual reconciliation with the original, it is shown how the translator was able to understand the original poetics and semantics of the book and transfer it into his own translation.ge„გალობა გალობათა სოლომონის“ნათან ელიაშვილიქართული თარგმანი“Song of Songs of Solomon”Natan EliashviliGeorgian translation„გალობა გალობათა სოლომონის“ – პოეტიკა, სემანტიკა და თარგმანი“SONG OF SONGS OF SOLOMON” – POETICS, SEMANTICS AND TRANSLATIONThesis