ძაძამია/ Dzadzamia, ომარ/ Omar2023-01-132023-01-132022საქართველოს ისტორიის ინსტიტუტის შრომები, XVIII, თბილისი, 2022, გვ. 28-82/ Institute of Georgian History Proceedings, XVIII, Tbilisi, 2022, pp. 28-821987–9970https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/2064https://geohistory.humanities.tsu.ge/ge/procedings/83-shromebi/177-shromebi-18.htmlDiet alongside with some issues connected with it is a very urgent topic in Georgian historiography since no major work exists which would be focused on it. We have a lot of archaeological data – fossilized remains of plants and animals as well as different samples of ceramic cuisine vessels. Narrative sources at our disposal are comparably few. Working on a paper based on this material is somewhat challenging, since, for example, pre Columbian Exchange stratum needs to be separated from after Columbian Exchange stratum in ethnographic materials, while informativeness of archaeological material is limited and without evidences attested in narrative sources it is hard to make conclusions about specific dishes and recipes. In our paper, we tried to synthesize all these evidences, also to take into consideration the influence Graeco-Roman society might have on Colchis in terms of diet and as a result to give conclusions based on comparison and synthesis. We outlined that some dishes which were part of traditional Georgian cuisine for centuries, emerged as a result of imported plants. Also, we paid attention to one issue – the sources of energy in modern and traditional, antique age Colchian cuisine are quite different and some popular food which appears to have been established for centuries in Georgia, do not seem to be very authentic. We tried to outline major aspects of diet in ancinet Colchis. Several very interesting aspects were highlighted. First of all, it should be mentioned that most aspects of the diet have direct connection with geography. Different products were dominant in geographically diverse Colchis. Japanese millet (Echinochloa frumentacea) was dominant culture in swampy areas and was perceived as low quality product, therefore mostly lower social classes used it in their diet. Millet was sewn in hinterland from ancient times which served as a major cereal for Colchian population. Foxtail millet was used in sacrifices from 2nd c. B.C. – it seems it was introduced here in Hellenic or Hellenistic Age. Population in the highlands used setaria mocharica, which looks like millet and does not have high quality feeding value. Emmer also seems to be cultivated alongside with wheat. Low platable wheat was sewn in highlands and also on the territories with natural drainage. Wheat production was radically reduced from the 1st c. B.C. Rye which is a result of the evolution of wheat weed seems to be used from the 1st century B.C. The major ingredient of Chvishtari, a very local dish, seems to be rye until first foxtail millet and later, maize squeezed its area of usage. Products from trees also were used, like walnuts, nuts, chestnuts – they are attested not only archaeologically but also in narrative sources. Livestock was the major source of proteins in ancient Colchis. Herding was very developed. Ancient Colchians knew highland herding as well as transhumance. Narrative sources suggest the use of dairy in everyday life for the majority of population. Legumes are major source of plant proteins. Pea was used during funerary rites which was replaced by kidney beans after Columbian Exchange. Chickling pea was also used to make porridge, also before Columbian Exchange, as well as lupine was used during hard winters, this is attested ethnographically, also a Roman author, Columella mentions it.geკოლხეთიაგრიკულტურაკვების ისტორიაყოფითი ისტორიაღომიფეტვიხაშირწყლებიკვება ანტიკური ხანის კოლხეთში (ძვ. წ. VI - ახ. წ. IV საუკუნეები)DIET IN ANCIENT COLCHIS (6TH C. B.C. - 4TH C. A.D.)Article