ყულიჯანიშვილი/ Kulidjanishvili, აკაკი/ Akaki2023-03-202023-03-202022-12პროფესორ დავით გოცირიძის 70 წლისთავისადმი მიძღვნილი სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია, თეზისები, 2022, გვ.: 67-70/ Scientific Conference DEDICATED TO THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF PROF. DAVIT GOTSIRIDZE, Abstracts, 2022, pp.: 67-70https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/2191Culture can be considered as a peculiar language. It has a number of features of a national language, thus by analogy with natural language culture as a means of transferring social experience and communication between people, can we call it language. The language of culture is a combination of forms, symbols, sings, texts, etc. A community dedicated to storing and transmitting information to a person, a group of people, carrying this culture. The essential characteristic of the language of culture is dialogcity. The language of culture fulfills its function only when there is a subject who understands this language. Otherwise, cultural phenomena: Symbols, texts, sings and shapes can physically exist as objects in real time and space. But they will be deprived of the original knowledge that they had and thus will no longer be able to reform the function of storing and transmitting information characteristic of language. In such a case, the language of the culture is silent, it is not understood, and thus it no longer exists as a language. Every culture has its own language. It creates a unique image of the world and man, which in turn is reflected in specific forms of culture. In order of the language of a culture to fulfill its function, it is necessary to have people who understand this language, thus understanding the language of culture is essencial. On the one hand, the artifact of culture consists of real-physical characteristics, on the other hand, there are carriers of sense, an unreal dimension, it is the introduction of sense into a natural fact that turns it into a cultural phenomenon. After all, the phenomenon of culture diff ers from the fact of nature in that it is the bearer of sense and meaning. In order for a person to be able to relate to the phenomenon of culture as such, he must understand its meaning. Understanding the sense requires knowledge of the language, sings, symbols, forms in which the sense is encoded. Culture exists in signs and symbols, and thus it is a peculiar language, in this sense, culture is a language, the knowledge of which is a necessary condition to understand the culture embodied in this language.geენაკომუნიკაციაკულტურაკულტურის ენაგაგებაlanguagecommunicationculturelanguage of cultureunderstandingკულტურის ენაLANGUAGE OF CULTUREArticle