იანტბელიძე, მაია2021-09-232021-09-232020მთარგმნელის დღისადმი მიძღვნილი სამეცნიერო შრომების კრებული, 2020, გვ.: 43-52978-9941-13-965-9https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/769Vazha-Pshavela’s letters on “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” in which he analytically and scientifically substantiates the national character of this poem and, at the same time, its significance to the entire mankind are remarkable. In Vazha’s time, Rustvelology progressed to some extent, but the scientific-critical study of “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin”, as old Georgian literature, had not yet reached the Rustvelology and many historical-literary issues were not clearly defined. At the beginning of the 20th century certain Georgian scientists, on the grounds of some morbid pretext of objectivity, obsessed over “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” began to reprehend it to prove its non-Georgian origin. Vazha responded to these researchers in his scientific-critical and publicist letters so professionally that his views still coincide with the provisions of Rustvelology. Vazha showed great knowledge of this poem and also the ability to gain deep access to literary events. Vazha talks about the origin of “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin”, the issue of its folk character, the singularity of the storylines, technological issues, interpolations, composition. It is interesting how Vazha discussed Rustaveli’s language, that did not mean the study of linguistic norms and the specifics of the language, and it again showed the originality of “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin”. According to Vazha, any great writer is unparalleled when representing the inner brilliance of language. He considered Rustaveli and Guramishvili, as examples of the talented writers’ language, revealing the striving and essence of the nation in their works. Vazha-Pshavela honorably defended the dignity of Rustaveli and his genius poem, as it was worthy of a great national writer and thinker. Vazha-Pshavela claims, that researchers must take a great care of such a unique monument of national culture as “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin”. He defended the dignity of Rustaveli and his genius poem as a great, national writer and thinker. The above studies have revealed Vazha’s unmistakable critical acumen, refined aesthetic taste, correct analytical mind, stern logic, and ability to take a methodological approach to literary issues. Thus, Vazha-Pshavela raised and perfected the traditions of Georgian critical-aesthetic thinking. He is not only a cognoscente and venerator of “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin”, but also a good researcher, whose views and opinions are still relevant in Rustvelological science.geეროვნულობა,,ვეფხისტყაოსანი”მეცნიერულიკულტურავაჟა-ფშაველარუსთველოლოგიამწერალიმკვლევარიNational character"The Knight in the Panther’s Skin”RustvelologyVazha-PshavelaScientificCultureWriterResearcherვაჟა-ფშაველა, როგორც რუსთველოლოგიVazha-Pshavela as a RustvelologistArticle