ქავთარაძე/ Kavtaradze, ნინო/ Nino2023-03-212023-03-212022-12პროფესორ დავით გოცირიძის 70 წლისთავისადმი მიძღვნილი სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია, თეზისები, 2022, გვ.: 95-99/ Scientific Conference DEDICATED TO THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF PROF. DAVIT GOTSIRIDZE, Abstracts, 2022, pp.: 95-99https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/2196In French Young Adult literature, educational, adventure, formative or initiation-type literary texts are often referred to as synonyms, although there is a difference between them. In contrast to educational and adventure narratives, initiation narratives are characterized by: 1. Search for the secret meaning of life (fortress, temple, treasure, secret...); 2. Experience (poverty, loneliness, “via dolorosa”); 3. Fight against evil; 4. Understanding love as a means of knowing the soul; 5. Presence of a leader; 6. Acquisition of “secret” knowledge; 6. Sharp and fast metamorphosis-change (death) of the protagonist as the beginning of a new life. Not all of the above-mentioned features can be found in the artistic-literary texts of modern French writers, which can be considered as initiation type narratives. For example, in the small text “Lullaby” by Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, the fight against evil is nowhere to be seen. The protagonist of the text is a teenager whose family problems (mother’s illness and absence of father) make him feel lonely. He finds love in proximity to nature, thus overcoming the feeling of loneliness and despair. On the path of self-awareness and socialization, Lullaby’s only friend is the physics teacher, and the antagonist is the school director, who demands from Lullaby to strictly follow the school rules. The text doesn’t tell us about dangers either, however, the discovery of an abandoned Greek house while walking along the seashore, a meeting with an unknown boy, an incomprehensible inscription for a Lullaby becomes communion with secrets, as a result of which the girl begins to perceive the existing reality differently. Lullaby’s sudden change, at first glance, may even be strange, however, due to the caracteristics of the genre, the writer’s intention becomes clear to the reader. The youth literature is perceived by two addressee – representatives of the younger and older generations. If the intended addressee is fascinated by the narrative or the artistic side of the text, the ideal recipient will not find it difficult to see the signs of initiation in the literary text. Michel Tournier made things easier for the reader, who subtitled the text «The Tale of Initiation». The reader will not fi nd evil forces in this small text either. Unlike Le Clézio’s protagonist, little Amandine has the best, caring and loving parents and has nothing to worry about. The search for the secret meaning of life is the observation of a fourlegged friend, which will lead to a sharp and rapid metamorphosis of the coming of age story. Both of the above-mentioned texts are united by the distinctive characters of puberty, the charm of the unknown and the lack of action, which distinguishes this type of narrative from the characteristics of similar narratives.geფრანგული საყმაწვილო ლიტერატურაინიციაციის ტიპის ნარატივილე კლეზიოტურნიეFrench Young Adult literatureinitiation type narrativeLe CézioTournierინიციაციის ტიპის ფრანგული მხატვრულ-ლიტერატურული ტექსტებიFRENCH FICTION-LITERARY TEXTS OF INITIATION TYPEThesis