ნასყიდაშვილი/ Naskidashvili, ნინო/ Nino2023-03-212023-03-212022-12პროფესორ დავით გოცირიძის 70 წლისთავისადმი მიძღვნილი სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია, თეზისები, 2022, გვ.: 109-111/ Scientific Conference DEDICATED TO THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF PROF. DAVIT GOTSIRIDZE, Abstracts, 2022, pp.: 109-111https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/2199If the Ukrainian poetry of the second half of the 20th century tried to distance itself from life and search for new phenomena and processes in the hermetic world, the current war in Ukraine directed Ukrainian poetry from a different angle, essentially changed the values and priorities of life, equally attributed to tragedy the aspects of national self-assertion and presented it in a completely different form. Despite the cataclysms of the time, the theme of war appears in Ukrainian poetry since the nineteenth century. In the poem written by Ivan Franco in 1883: “Grow, tall oak tree”, the previously unknown emotions, feelings and call to victory appear for the first time. Different impulses appear in the works of Ukrainian writers of the 1960s, and the theme of war is highlighted by a stronger sense of patriotism, with angered phrases, in particular, Volodymyr Simonenko’s poem “Where are you now, executioners of my people”, written in 1962. Lina Kostenko’s poem “My first poem written in a ditch”, dated 1998, is much more intense and emotional, in which the hard and painful scenes of “the childhood killed in the war” are brought to life. We read the tragedy of one little girl in Serhiy Zhadan’s poem, “Orphaned by war”, written in 2016. The work of modern Ukrainian poets is the history of today’s war, human tragedies and feelings, anger and belief in victory is a special way of perceiving events, which combines cultural peculiarities and universals and intensifies the feeling of personal dignity and the price of freedom.geთანამედროვე უკრაინული პოეზიაომის თემატიკაუკრაინელი პოეტებიპატრიოტიზმი და ტრაგიზმიModern Ukrainian poetrywar themesUkrainian poetspatriotism and tragedyთანამედროვე უკრაინული პოეზია ომის შესახებMODERN UKRAINIAN POETRY ABOUT WARThesis