Lobzhanidze, Manana2019-11-122019-11-122018III International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2018, pp. 241-244978-9941-13-764-8https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/4111. ც. ანთაძე, სოციალური რისკები თანამედროვე საქართველოში, თბილისი, 2002, გვ. 11. 2. www.mes.gov.ge 3. www.mes.gov.ge budapeSt-venis deklaracia, 2010 w. 4. www.mes.gov.ge boloniis deklaracia, 1999 w. 5. www.daad.deWhile studying any aspect of youth employment, it is necessary to consider the interaction of economic, social and demographic characteristics, and take into account the state regulation policy for education and vocational training. Due to the current reality of Georgia, youth employment is an acute socio-economic problem. With the lowering of the standard of living, the human capital is devalued which is invested by the state or a family. The young person is morally traumatized and the society loses the economic wealth that could be gained under the conditions of effectively utilization of their labor potential.geyouth; employment; education; migrationRegional cooperation: a significant factor for improving the educational system in GeorgiaArticle