ნაჭყებია, მაია2021-09-232021-09-232020აკაკი წერეთლის დაბადებიდან 180 წლისთავისადმი მიძღვნილი სამეცნიერო შრომების კრებული, 2020, გვ.: 99-104978-9941-13-955-0https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/763In the modern political dictionary the word “value” is one of the most spread term and it covers the principles of a family, society and state, which are shared by the majority of citizens, while the system of values in this case is a system of coordinates without which the identity is lost (Lat. identitas, „sameness”, conformity to something). Values are „rooted” in habits and tradtions of nations, religion conceptions, rituals, legislative norms. Tremendous contribution to the formation of European values belongs to the Enlightement, the splended team of philosophers of the 18th century – Voltaire, Ruso and d'Alembert declaring critical mind. In European intellectual elites science gradually started to subdue religion as one of leading forms of public cognition and the encyclopedists established the notion of „human natural rights and a citizen”, which found its expression in immortal motto of the French revolution (1789)” „Liberté, égalité, fraternité“ („Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”) while the revolution of 1789 turned out the powerful impulse of national feelings in European nations. The revolution of 1848 left to Europeans and inherited to them the right of self-identification as the principle of international law and as the moral value. Democracy and national idea appeared to be a driving force for the 19th century European modernization, which enriched its system of spiritual values. In the middle years of the 19th century the first industrial revolution intensified the movement of workers, which turned out very productive soil for socialism. In all socialistic directions at the level of values – Utopian, Social-Christian, Marxist, Anarchy–Syndicalism and finally in the Communistic – the strife to social justice was a driving principal force. In the 20ies of the 20th century the sufferings caused by the first world war gradually faded and optimistic tone, the exaltation incited by the fight for justice and for more human world was heard more frequently, loudly and distinctly. At this time, in the poetry of some European countries the new directions, e.g. the Proletarian poetry were formed, which brought nearer the poets to the working class and the hatred to war and the fight against social oppression connected them.geღირებულებათა სისტემაქრისტიანობაჰუმანურობადემოკრატიასოციალური ჩაგვრაპოეტიზმიSystem of valuesChristianityhumanitydemocracysocial oppressionPoetismქრისტიანული და დემოკრატიული ღირებულებების ტრადიცია ლიტერატურაში (ზოგიერთი ასპექტი)Tradition of Christian and Democratic Values in Literature (Some Aspects)Article