Jikia, Merab2019-11-132019-11-132018III International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2018, pp. 530-535978-9941-13-764-8https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/4231. მმართველობითი აღრიცხვა, ACCA წიგნი F2 სახელმძღვანელო, საერთაშორისო პრაქტიკა, თარგმანი ინგლისურიდან. თბ., 2008. 2. ი. ჭილაძე, მმართველობითი აღრიცხვა თბ., 2018 . 3. А. И. Нечтаило И. А .Нечтаило, Комплексный економический анализ хозяйственной деятелъности, Ростов-на Дону, 2014. 4. Г.В.Савицкая,Экономический анализ, Издателъство “ИНФРА-М”М., 2014.Economic analysis of the 3rd level of the return on capital and labor productivity allows us to determine and provide quantitative description for the impact of the following factors on the efficiency of production: 1. Determination of the impact of 3rd level factors on the return on capital: a) The impact of applying (modernizing) new equipment on the return on active part of fixed assets; b) The impact of introduction of scientific and technical progress on the return on equipment; c) The impact of changes in social factors on the return on equipment. 2. Determination of the impact of 3rd level factors on labor productivity: a) The impact of improving organization of labor and production; b) The impact of introduction of scientific and technical progress; c) The impact of non-productive time costs; d) The impact of structural changes in production.gecapital productivity; labor productivity; modernization; scientific and technical progress; organizing labor; non-productive time costs; social factorsTopical issues of analysis of production efficiency dataArticle