წერეთელი, ლია2021-09-242021-09-242020მთარგმნელის დღისადმი მიძღვნილი სამეცნიერო შრომების კრებული, 2020, გვ.: 223-232978-9941-13-965-9https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/781The article deals with one of the greatest short stories by an English writer, Aldous Huxley, called The Young Archimedes. The tragic fate of the protagonist, a young boy, is built on the earliest Biblical and folklore canons: when the child becomes the victim. In this instance, the protagonist’s talent and uniqueness were the reason for captivity. The author makes use of music as a means of showing that the boy is indeed a genius. The article also discusses the Biblical, Mythical and literary paradigms of such a concept as “victimised child”. It is interesting that Huxley depicts the greatness of the central figure and creates a notion of genius; he seems to believe that special talent is granted by God, and it must be protected and cherished. He refers to certain illustrious composers and writers and considers the essence of genius in various eras, but regards some ill-suited circumstances in the life of a genius as tragic.geსახეხატიხასიათიპორტრეტიბავშვობაემოციასახისმეტყველებაFaceIconCharacterPortraitChildhoodEmotionTropologyოლდოს ჰაქსლის „ნორჩი არქიმედე“ ქართულადAldous Huxley's Young Archimedes in GeorgianArticle