Beridze, Teimuraz2019-11-142019-11-142018III International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2018, pp. 63-66978-9941-13-764-8 The Radiant Past: Ideology and Reality in Hungary’s Road to Capitalism: Chicago University Press, 1992 (with Janos Lukas); 2. Economics as a science: understanding its procedures and the irrelevance of prediction. 3. Adam Fforde. Victoria University, Australia. Real World economics review, issue no. 81 4. Stability, Security and sovereignty in the Republic of Georgia. David l. Philips Senior Fellow and Deputy Director. Centre for Preventive Action. Council on Foreign Relations. 8 January 2004; 5. Williamson John. Latin American Adjustment: How Much Has Happened (1990); 6. Блауг М. „Методология экономической науки, или Как экономисты объясняют”. М.: НП „Редакция журнала Вопросы экономики“. 2004.- 416 c.; 7. И.А. Болдырев Экономическая методология сегодня: краткий обзор основных направлений/Проблемы экономической теории//Журнал Новой экономической ассоциации. 2011. №9. с.47-70; 8. Бухарин Н.И. Экономика переходного периода/ч. 1. Общая теория трасформационного процесса/ Николай Бухарин. М.: Гос. Издательство, 1920. -157 с. 9. Е.Гайдар. Восстановительный рост и некоторые особенности современной экономической ситуации в России//Вопросы экономики. #5. 1992.The article deals with the topical issues of the theory and methodology of transitional economy. There is found the necessity of developing the theory of transitional economy and indicators reflecting the development of the transition period. Special attention is paid to the issue of ownership and management in transitional period and the need of vision of the results of the transitional period in economy.ruSocio-economic transformation, transitional economy, socio-economic indicators, democratic valuesTransitional period in economy (on the question of theory and methodology)Article