გულიაშვილი/ Guliashvili, ნანა/ Nana2023-03-202023-03-202022-12პროფესორ დავით გოცირიძის 70 წლისთავისადმი მიძღვნილი სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია, თეზისები, 2022, გვ.: 63-66/ Scientific Conference DEDICATED TO THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF PROF. DAVIT GOTSIRIDZE, Abstracts, 2022, pp.: 63-66https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/2190Language is a universal means of communication, the question may arise that if natural language exists, as a universal means of communication, why is the language of art needed. What factors can justify the parallelism on natural and artistic language. Let’s ask the question – what is transferred during communication and what kind of information can be transferred. Opinion – opinion can be transferred, communication is carried out here. Volition – not transmitted. Emotion is transmitted. If both language and art are means of communication, how successfully do they convey thought and emotional feelings? Language – conveys thoughts directly, in a pure form. Emotions are transmitted indirectly. Art conveys thoughts not directly, but through artistic forms. Because of this, the same work is understood differently by different people. Natural language conveys meaning directly. The language of art does not exist without an emotional charge. By conveying emotions, art becomes a universal medium and this is the main thing, and this is how it differs from natural language. Another, in natural language, communications is carried out only between speakers of that language, unlike him, the language of art is universal, there is one exception, however, it is the language of literature and poetry, which is based on natural language, that is why it is necessary to translate it. Heidegger in his work “Hoelderlin and poetry” notes that language is a grace and a danger. What does it mean? The language was given “grace” or the opportunity to be historically. Grace is dangerous because it is accompanied by mistakes. Poetic creation is the most sinless thing, that is why the tongue is a grace to show what it is. “Man is in work, but still he lives poetically on earth.” Why did we choose Hoelderlin’s work to represent the essence of poetry? Why not Homer, or Shakespeare, or Goethe… Because Hoelderlin’s poetry is imprinted with a poetic call – to touch the very essence of poetry. That is, to show the essence of poetry in the best way – “for us, Hoelderlin is a poet’s poet”. The communicative function of art is a condition for the implementation of all its other functions. It is an overcoming of the limitations of natural language communication capabilities. Language can spread information only to that part of society that understands it. For others, the same information is available through translation. The language of art is a language understandable to all mankind, regardless of national peculiarities (except for literature, because its material is the national language).geენახელოვნებახელოვნების ენაკომუნიკაციაგაგებაLanguageThe language of artCommunicationUnderstandingხელოვნების ენა, როგორც სოციო- კულტურული ცხოვრების სარკეTHE LANGUAGE OF ART AS SOCIO-CULTURAL MIRROR OF LIFEArticle