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Moreover, evaluation of losses and gains in purely economic terms is insufficient as to not providing a comprehensive and wider picture of the phenomenon within the system of economic and social processes, and simultaneously not reflecting long-range goals of the economic and social development of the society. Model evaluation of economic losses and gains caused by the emigration of labour force indicates losses for economy and society. Under certain conditions, however, economic losses can be minimized or replenished. In addition to losses in economic terms, the loss of an adequate part of the development potential of the economy and society is considered to have much more damaging effects. Therefore, emigration of labour force is an undesirable phenomenon in economy and society from both economic and social points of view. Nonetheless, the evaluation of merely economic losses and gains does not provide an inclusive view on actual losses and gains for economy and society. Additionally, a purely economic approach distorts the actual understanding of the importance of emigration in terms of social progress and economic development of the society. That is why an exhaustive evaluation of losses and gains for economy and society caused by emigration cannot be performed without taking into account social goals of the society as well as other related factors, such as psychological, cultural and demographic ones as part of the evaluation.enemigration, labour force, GDP, losses and gainsCalculation of the balance of economic benefits and losses from the migration of workers abroadArticle