ნოდია, ირაკლი2021-12-232021-12-232021ამერიკის შესწავლის საკითხები, VIII, 2021, გვ.: 114-120 / Journal of American Studies, VIII, 2021, p.: 114-1201512-1585https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/934One of the most prominent leaders of Georgian intelligence, a publicist, teacher and educator Iakob Gogebashvili, knew life of not only people living in Georgia and Russian Empire but the United States as well. Iakob Gogebashvili was one of those persons who gave main tones of Georgian public opinion in this fi eld. The Georgian enlightenment objectively evaluated many important events in the world, including the big shifts that began tin the US in the 60s of the 19th century. He has always and everywhere supported the fi ght against slavery. His main weapon in this fi ght was his pen. In this regard, his article titled “Fight between the Congress and new President in the United States after President Lincoln’s Assassination” is important and of remarkable interest. He added it to the fi rst volume of his favorite pedagogical and publicistic writings. The fact that the author devotes a lot of attention to the ongoing events in the US is shown when the story begins with the United States. The importance of these materials is considerable. They outline that the author is deeply aware of the current events in US. Iakob Gogebashvili’s social-political conception and his historical opinions regarding the ongoing events in the 60s of the 19th century in the United States haven’t been discussed in detail yet and our modest attempt is to fi ll this vacuum. It is important to evaluate the given heritage correctly, without falling inro any extremes.geაშშXIX საუკუნესაქართველოUSAXIX centuryGeorgiaაშშ XIX საუკუნის 60-იან წლებში და იაკობ გოგებაშვილიThe U.S. in the 60es of the 19th century and Iakob GogebashviliArticle