ხოსიტაშვილი, ირმა (მთარგმნელი)2024-01-112024-01-112023აღმოსავლეთმცოდნეობა, №12, თბილისი, 2023, გვ.: 279-289/ Oriental Studies, №12, Tbilisi, 2023, pp.: 279-2892298-0377https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/2351ეძღვნება აკადემიკოს ზაზა ალექსიძის ხსოვნას (1935 – 2023)/ Dedicated to Memory of Academician Zaza Aleksidze (1935 – 2023)The Armenian canonical collection was formed in stages. Being composed in the 5th century, the Armenian Book of Canons was continually edited and gradually expanded in the following centuries, including new canonic groups. It has reached us in numerous editions similar to, or significantly different from, each other in structure and content. This article gives a general outline of yet unstudied evidences by the Armenian authors Hovhan Imastaser Odznets‘i (717-728), Mkhit‘ar Gosh (1120?-1213), and Hakob Amasiats‘i (18th-19th centuries), as well as by scribes in a number of manuscripts: New Julfa (Nor Jugha), 131 (1098), MM 7615 (1352), 659 (1368), 658 (1601), 837 (1627-1630) etc. It discusses their perceptions about the formation, further development, the role and significance of the Armenian canonical collection. In their works, medieval authors and scribes quoted from the Armenian canonical collection, praised it and pointed out the reasons and purposes of its formation and evolution, emphasizing its inseparable connection with other Christian canonical collections.otherნარინე ვარდანიან, სომხური კანონიკური კრებული ისტორიულ წყაროებსა და ანდერძ-მინაწერებში, მატენადარანი მესროპ მაშტოცის სახელობის ძველ ხელნაწერთა ინსტიტუტიNarine Vardanyan, THE ARMENIAN CANONICAL COLLECTION IN LITERARY SOURCES AND COLOPHONS, Matenadaran Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient ManuscriptsArticle