თათარაშვილი, გიორგი2021-12-142021-12-142020ამერიკისმცოდნეობის 21-ე ყოველწლიური საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია, 2020/ 21th International Annual Conference on American Studies, 2020https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/857კონფერენცია ეძღვნება მეიფლაუერის ხელშეკრულების დადების მე-400 წლისთავს/ The 2020 Annual conference of the American Studies is dedicated to the 400th Anniversary of the Signing of the Mayflower CompactThe main objective of this thesis is to analyze and describe those particularities which emphasize Aldous Huxley’s futurology, (future studies) regarding future studies in America. Aldous Huxley author of several essays and novels argued that while so called machine aga brought tremendous benefits and alterations to mankind in America, on the other hand one fault was its debasement of the culture that man now had more time to pursue. Huxley throughout his activities displays the “revolt of the highbrows”, so as saying goes the most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself without regard to the prevailing superstitions, prejudices and taboos, and if I do say so myself this is the way how futurology works. Huxley’s essay “The Outlook for American Culture” is definitely the most prominent essay which greatly influenced America. Interest towards the essay never gets lower, even in 1970 above-mentioned essay was republished with the updated name – “America and the Future” which was demonstrated, interest and influence on this subject.geლიტერატურაფუტურიზმიამერიკაLiteratureFuturismAmericaიოლდს ჰაქსლის ფუტუროლოგიური იდეების გავლენა ამერიკულ ფუტუროლოგიზმზეThe Influence of Aldous Huxley's futurology thoughts on American Future StudiesArticle