კალანდაძე, მერაბ2022-06-242022-06-242011ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის საქართველოს ისტორიის ინსტიტუტის შრომები, IV, თბილისი, 2011, გვ. 332-350 / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Institute of Georgian History Proceedings, IV, Tbilisi, 2011, pp. 332-3501987–9970https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/1706https://geohistory.humanities.tsu.ge/ge/procedings/83-shromebi/136-shromebi-4.htmlThe recent researches clearly show that Ivane Javakhishvili was not solely empiricist. He was concerned with the theoretical issues too. Ivane Javakhishvili has to be credited for dealing with the complicated issues, such as historical epistemology in his studies. That was determined by the scientific value of the subject. He worked a lot on the topic. He had his own position and tried to solve this difficult problem. Ivane Javakhishvili’s theoretical thoughts were well fit with the views of Leopold von Ranke and other positivists. This corresponds well with the level of historiography of that period. According to Ivane Javakhishvili’s epistemological studies, it is probable that he was the follower of Georg Hegel. Perhaps, he shared the view of Hegel over the perception of universe. Ivane Javakhishvili was supporter of Hegelian doctrine of panlogism, which was close to the historical conception of Ranke and positivists.geივანე ჯავახიშვილიეპისტემოლოგიარანკეჰეგელიივანე ჯავახიშვილი და ისტორიის ეპისტემოლოგიის საკითხებიIVANE JAVAKHISHVILI AND THE ISSUE OF HISTORICAL EPISTEMOLOGYArticle