Gogorishvili, IrinaGvelesiani, Revaz2019-11-112019-11-112018III International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2018, pp. 93-97978-9941-13-764-8https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/3881. Hayek F.A. (1960), The Constitution of Liberty, Neudruck, London u.a. Wiederabdruck in: Bosch A. und R. Veit Hrsg., Hayek Gesammelte Schriften Bd. B3, Die Verfassung der Freiheit, Tuebingen 2005. გვ.40. 2. Popper K.R. (1960), On the Sources of Knowledge and of Ignorance; wiederabgedruckt in ders.: Conjectures and Refutations – The Growth of Scientific Knowledge, 5. Aufl., Neudruck; London u.k. 2002. გვ. 3-30. 3. Hayek F.A. (1959) Missbrauch und Verfall der Vernunft – Ein Fragment. Wiederabdruck in: Bosch, A. und R. Veit (Hrsg.), Hayek Gesammelte Schriften Bd. A2, Sozialwissenschaftliche Denker, Tuebingen 2004. 4. Röpke W.(1944). Civitas Humana – Grundfragen der Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsreform, 4. Aufl., Bern 1979.Hennis W.(1984). Wurzeln und Grenzen der Modernitaet; in B. Klingenstein (Hrsg.): Krise des Fortschritts, Wien u.a. გვ.139151. 5. Boulding K. E. (1962). K.E. (1962). Knowledge as a Commodity; wiederabgedruckt in ders. (Hrsg.): Beyond Economics – Essays on Society, Religion, and Ethics, Ann Arbor 1968, გვ.141-150. 6. Jonas H. (1979). (1979), Das Prinzip Verantwortung, Nachdruck, Frankfurt a. M, 2003. გვ. 393. 7. გველესიანი რ., გოგორიშვილი ი. გადაწყვეტილებების მიღების ტექნოლოგია ეკონომიკურ პოლიტიკაში. გამომცემლობა „უნივერსალი“თბილისი 2018. გვ. 73. 8. The Paris Review. Max Frisch, The Art of Fiction No113. Interviewed by Jodi Daynard. 1989. https://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/2367/max-frisch-the-art-of-fiction-no-113-max-frischThe paper examines the relationship between the state's economic policy and progress as a fundamental public value. On the basis of their analysis, opinions were developed in connection with the criticism of the knowledgeoriented cognition theory. Criticism is not directed against progress but only against the position that overestimates the cognitive abilities of the mind. The digital world created by scientific and technological progress completely changes the attitude towards progress (as a social value). The general goal of the policy of development of the digital economy is also considered in the work. It is justified that this goal is constantly changing. This happens because the goal follows from the postmodern paradigm of development processes and focuses on people.geeconomic progress; State economic policy, business policy; The freedom of action; Social justice; Digital economyProgress is the driving force behind changes in state and business economic policiesArticle