შველიძე, დიმიტრი2022-03-212022-03-212019ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის საქართველოს ისტორიის ინსტიტუტის შრომები, XV, თბილისი, 2019, გვ. 345-360 / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Institute of Georgian History Proceedings, XV, Tbilisi, 2019 pp. 345-3601987–9970https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/1316https://geohistory.humanities.tsu.ge/ge/procedings/83-shromebi/174-shromebi-15.htmlThe work discusses and analyzes 18 personal letters of Peter Kropotkin, 10 of which are written to Giorgi Gogelia; 5 – to his wife Lydia Gogelia- Ikonnikova and 3 – to the staff of the magazine “Khleb i Volia” (Bread and Freedom). The chronological timespan of the letters is 1904-1913. Kropotkin's letters clearly illustrate Giorgi Gogelia's crucial role in the process of formation of anarchism in Russia as a revolutionary-political movement and at the same time his contribution to the anarchist reality of Western Europe. The content of the letters mainly focuses on the functioning and distribution of the magazine “Khleb i Volia”, assessing its role in promoting anarchist ideology in Russia. The letters also deal with other problems of concern for the anarchist movement. There are expressed opinions and positions about prominent representatives of the movement like: James Guillaume, Luigi Bertoni, Apollin Karelin, Nikolai Rogdaev and others. The letters provide some information on Giorgi Gogelia's personal situation, health, and relationship between his and the Kropotkin family. It seems that Giorgi Gogelia's wife Lydia Gogelia-Ikonnikova was actively involved in the anarchist movement. In Kropotkin's letters there is mentioned Varlam Cherkezishvili's name and some new details of his biography become clear.geანარქიზმი"ხლებ ი ვოლია"წერილებივარლამ ჩერქეზიშვილიგოგელიაპეტრე კროპოტკინის წერილები გიორგი გოგელიასადმი (1904-1913)PETER KROPOTKIN’S LETTERS TO GIORGI GOGELIAArticle