Koichumanov, Talaibek2019-11-142019-11-142018III International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2018, pp. 221-224978-9941-13-764-8https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/4631. Всемирный банк в России Доклад об экономике России * № 27 Апрель 2012 г. Поддержка роста и снижение рисков; с. 36 \\ Всемирный банк http://www.worldbank.org/russia 2. Классификация стран по методикам Всемирного банка. www.bibook.ru 3. Рассчитано по данным Национального статистического комитета Кыргызской Республики www.stat.kg 4. Открытая экономика: сущность, факторы, влияющие на степень открытости, ключевые показатели \\ Международная экономика 5. https://sites.google.com/site/mezdunarodnaaekonomika/cover-page/new/4-otkrytaa-ekonomika-susnost-faktoryvliausie-na-stepen-otkrytosti-klucevye-pokazateli 6. Речь председателя КНР Си Цзиньпина на 25-м саммите АТЭС. www.russian.china.org.onEconomic globalization, as the leading trend in the development of the world economy, is manifested in the unification of the world economy by the creation of common economic spaces, integration associations, and regional unions. One of the clearest manifestations of economic globalization is the level of openness of economies, which significantly affects the possibilities of economic growth. This article discusses the main problems and prospects for integration of the central Asian countries. From the analysis of the impact of world financial crises on the countries of Central Asia with transition economies, it can be concluded that the degree of integration of economies is the reciprocal of resistance from external influences. This factor, in all likelihood, turned out to be decisive in addressing issues of economic integration.ruEconomic globalization, economic integration, Central Asian countries, Economic PoliticsProblems and opportunities for integration of the Central Asian countriesArticle