ჩხატარაშვილი, სოფიო2022-01-182022-01-182021-03-31პროფესორ ოთარ ბაქანიძისადმი მიძღვნილი საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია: ლიტერატურათმცოდნეობა: ისტორია, პერსპექტივები და გამოწვევები, თეზისები, 31 მარტი 2021, გვ. 97-102/ International Scientific Conference Dedicated to Prof. Otar Bakanidze: LITERARY STUDIES: HISTORY, PERSPECTIVES AND CHALLENGES, Abstracts, 31 March 2021, pp.: 97-102https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/1072Georgia appears in the deep past in the consciousness of the Ukrainian nation. Historical, political or cultural events have changed and complemented each other in different centuries. With the involuntary deportation of Davit Guramishvili, the resettlement of members of the Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood in the Caucasus, the meeting of Taras Shevchenko and Akaki Tsereteli and many other expected or unexpected facts, the perception of Georgian culture was shaped by the peculiarities of epochs. The Caucasus, referred to by Taras Shevchenko in the nineteenth century, is “beyond the mountains”, is distant, majestic and mystical. At the end of the same century, translations of poems by Ilia Chavchavadze and Akaki Tsereteli were published in Ukrainian magazines and newspapers. The presence of Iakob Gogebashvili, Niko Lomouri and other Georgian figures in Ukraine was a guarantee of propaganda of Georgia and Georgian culture. The theory of socialist realism has set priorities in the dialogue between Georgian and Ukrainian cultures. Decades of literature and culture, anniversaries and literature specially translated for the mentioned were probably the most active phase in terms of getting acquainted and getting closer to Georgian culture. Georgia is better known to Ukrainian readers for its nature, history, culture and people. Georgia is not a foreign and distant country for the Ukrainian literary community in the sixties of the twentieth century. Continues translating of Georgian literature. Direct contacts between Georgian and Ukrainian writers became more frequent in the 1950s. Dedicated poems about Georgia and Georgian culture are born along with the translated literature and correspondence between writers begins. In the second half of the twentieth century, Ukrainian writers did not write only about Shota Rustaveli, Ilia and Akaki. They are interested in: Nikoloz Baratashvili, Titsian Tabidze, Pirosmani, etc. Georgia is attractive to them, it is interesting, but at the same time it is close and familiar. In the twenty-first century, the reception of Georgia in Ukrainian literature is synthetic: traditional and innovative perceptions are born in a new, completely different way and remain in the memory of the Ukrainian reader.geქართულ-უკრაინული კულტურათა დიალოგიმხატვრული თარგმანიthe dialogue between Georgian and Ukrainian culturesliterary translationსაქართველო უკრაინულ მწერლობაშიGEORGIA IN UKRAINIAN LITERATUREThesis