ქურდაძე/ Kurdadze, რამაზ/ Ramaz2022-09-122022-09-122022-07-14ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი ჰუმანიტარულ მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტი, აკადემიკოს მარიამ ლორთქიფანიძის დაბადებიდან 100 წლის იუბილესადმი მიძღვნილი XVI საფაკულტეტო სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია, თეზისები, თბილისი, 2022, გვ.: 275-280 / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Faculty of Humanities, 16th FACULTY SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE IN HONOUR OF THE 100th ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF MARIAM LORTKIPANIDZE, Abstracts, Tbilisi, 2022, pp.: 275-280https://dspace.tsu.ge/handle/123456789/1893It is widely known that in Georgian there are certain particles referring to speech. Out of these particles, the particle ო o is added to the speech (or to the words expressing intention) of the third per-son. Hence, ო o is termed as “direct speech particle”. This particle is often used in proverbs, because it is implied that the third person has uttered the proverbs. Syntactically, proverbs are of diverse constructions. In this regard, special focus should be made on the proverbs of hypotactic construction containing the direct speech patricle ო o. In such proverbs, the particle ო o is added to one of the members of the above-mentioned construction, but the particle represents the entire construction (and not its separate parts – either the main clause or the subordinate one) as the speech of the third person. From the stylistic-semantic viewpoint, it is interesting to define the place of the direct speech particle ო o in the proverbs with hypotactic constructions. Analysis of the material has proved that, in general, in hypotactic constructions, the forms with the particle ო o are found either in the second or in the final part of the hypotactic construction, i.e. either at the end of the main clause or at the end of the subordinate one. However, it should be noted that, for the purpose of rhythm, in certain proverbs, forms with the particle ო o are simultaneously found in both parts of the hypotactic construction – the main clause and the subordinate one. In such cases, there is equal number of syllables in the main and the subordinate clause. Thus, there are three options regarding the place of the forms with the direct speech particle ო o in the proverbs with hypotactic construction: 1. At the end of the hypotactic construction, in the main clause: ურემი რომ გადაბრუნდება, გზა მაშინ გამოჩნდება-ო1 ueremi rom gadabrundeba gza mashin gamochndeba-o gamochndeba-o V-DSP “When the cart has turned over, the road will appear” 2. At the end of the hypotactic construction, in the subordinate clause: წამწამი ისე არ გაიზრდება, რომ წარბს ასცილდეს-ო ts’amts’ami ise ar gaizrdeba, rom ts’arbs astsildes-o astsdes-o V-DSP “An eyelash will not grow so high as to exceed the eyebrow” 3. In both parts of the hypotactic construction (the main clause and the subordinate clause) simultaneously: თუ შენა გაქვს ისარი-ო, ფარად მეც მაქვს ფიცარი-ო tu shena gakvs isari-o, parad mec makvs pitsari-o isari-o N-DSP pitsari-o N-DSP “If you have an arrow, I have a board as a shield” Examples of these three cases are not equal in number. Therefore, the paper also provides statistical data regarding the use of these three cases. Naturally, this is important for the research of the usage and spreading of the stylistic variants of the above-mentioned proverbs.geჰიპოტაქსური კონსტრუქციამთავარი წინადადებადამოკიდებული წინადადებასხვათა სიტყვის ნაწილაკებიHypotactic constructionmain clausesubordinate clausedirect speech particlesსხვათა სიტყვის ო-ნაწილაკიან ფორმათა ადგილისათვის ქართული ანდაზების ჰიპოტაქსურ კონსტრუქციებში. ON THE PLACE OF FORMS WITH THE DIRECT SPEECH PARTICLE ო O IN THE HYPOTACTIC CONSTRUCTIONS OF GEORGIAN PROVERBSThesis