აშშ-ის ადმინისტრაციების ეროვნული პოლიტიკა სამხრეთ კავკასიის და საქართველოს მიმართ 1992-2002 წწ.

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უნივერსიტეტის გამომცემლობა
The goals of my thesis are to show the U.S.’s diplomatic assistance after the USSR fall and analyze American interests in South Caucuses and Georgia. I will try to answer the issues: what political results were brought about the U.S. diplomacy and political relations after Georgia’s Independence. The aim of the work is to promote, answer, and value the United States foreign policy toward South Caucuses and Georgia after the USSR collapse and show the peculiarities that made American-Georgian partnership strategic in the region. The present research topic presents one of the complex topics, which looks at the most important decade of Georgian-American political relations. The main achievement of the present work is expressed in its innovation, as it is the fi rst attempt to research Georgian-American relations in the of XX century.
აშშ, სამხრეთ კავკასია, საქართველო, USA, South Caucasus, Georgia
ამერიკის შესწავლის საკითხები, VIII, 2021, გვ.: 62-69 / Journal of American Studies, VIII, 2021, p.: 62-69