რეგიონული ეკონომიკური ინტეგრაცია - მცირე ქვეყნების ეკონომიკური პოლიტიკის კოორდინაციის სრულყოფის მიმართულება

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This study is a gradual research based on a scientific study concept that was accomplished by the author and discussed at the Department of Economic Policy at the Faculty of Economics and Business. The monograph investigated theoretical and practical issues of regional economic integration policy, preconditions of regional economic integration, goals, policies and the expected outcomes. Besides this, during the problem research emphasis was made on integration of small countries into regional integration associations, as this strategy is considered to be the priority direction for inhancing Georgia’s international competitiveness. The study referred to the economic and geographical aspects of economic integration assessment, including the peculiarities of the framework policy and the active integration models in the world, according to the regions: Western European, Central and Eastern Europe and Asia, America, Asia Pacific, Arab and African regional organizations. The research focused on the direction of the coordination improvement of small countries’ economic policies, including the aspects of Georgia's position and successful integration into regional groups. The study is intended for students and professors of economics and business administration programs, high education institutions of economic sections, as well as a wide range of readers interested in theory and practice of regional economic integration policy.
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