Ownership and management relationship issues (research core points)

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
The property (property relations) had always occupied the minds of people and determined their actions for centuries. This phenomenon is interdisciplinary and represents the subject of economic and legal disciplines. From the point of view of law (jurisprudence), property in the first place means the ownership of an object by a particular subject, which is fixed through a legal document (act). The construction of “appropriation-possession-disposal-use”, which has more legal weight is also in use. From the standpoint of economic science, ownership is primarily relationships, a result in which the material welfare is created which should provide income (profit). A particular aspect of property is its “diversity”. The logic of the development of property relations dictates that the dominant can be only one form of property, around which there are built other forms of property (under capitalism – private property, which is implemented by means of various forms (stock, group, individual), under socialism – nationwide, which is implemented through the form of state property. An important aspect of the analysis of property is the correlation of its form with the efficiency of its functioning. The none of the forms of property don’t automatically lead to the increase in production efficiency and effectiveness of economy in general. The Interaction between Economics & Politics is stressed as well. The special role of government in the economy is emphasized (particularly in the process combating with COVID-19).
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Conference Proceedings: "The World Economy in the Post-Pandemic Period: Implications and Challenges", Tbilisi, 2023, pp. 54-58