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ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის გამომცემლობა
It is common knowledge that the change of vocabulary, maybe influenced by a number of factors among them we should first of all mention the influence of the prevailing ideology of the particular country. If the state is totalitarian, all the spheres of life are under its control, which is reflected in the vocabulary of the language. Dictionaries and other works compiled and published in some totalitarian states of the last century are a visible example of this. Linguistics of the 20th century got interested in studying the impact of fascist ideology on human speech. This is well described by Victor Klemperer in the book “LTI - The Language of the Third Reich. A Philologist’s Notebook”. And after the 90s of the same century, it became relevant to observe the lexical-grammatical features of the speech of the inhabitants of the two Germanys; Special attention was paid to the differences in the linguistic features (including lexical ones) in the discourse of the same population living in the GDR and the FRG. It became obvious how great was the influence of the Soviet ideology on the discourse of the inhabitants of socialist GDR. Ideology and regime influence not only speech but also public consciousness. The novel "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" by the famous Czech writer Milan Kundera serves as proof of this. One of the chapters of the book is called “Dictionary of Unintelligible Words”, where we can see that the two main characters, Sabina and Franz, sometimes cannot understand each other. The reason is that Sabina grew up in socialist Czechoslovakia and France in Switzerland. For example, the word “demonstration” for Sabina is associated with tedious advance marches and fake celebrations, while for Franz it is a form of protest of a free man. German prof. Rudi Keller, an interesting researcher in this field called the influence of ideology on the speech of humans the phenomenon of the “invisible hand”. A similar situation was characteristic of the countries of the socialist camp, the republics of the Soviet Union, Georgia among them. From the point of view of the impact of political ideology on the lexical side of speech, the eight volume Explanatory Dictionary of the Georgian Language, (1950-1965, Chief Editor prof. Arn. Chikobava) presents a great interest. Despite the ideological pressure and the most difficult conditions during the hard post-war years, compiling such a dictionary was equal to scientific heroism. Its lexical base at that time was comprehensive and reflected the lexical stock of the Georgian language as much as possible. Obviously, the Soviet ideology found its reflection in the given dictionary, and it was certainly inevitable. From this point of view, several aspects can be distinguished: • Diverse definitions according to the views of socialist and capitalist countries; • A large number of words of ideological content when selecting lexical units; • Ideological coloring of definitions of words of political-economic, social, philosophical and other topics; • Propaganda of atheism and trending definition of religious words; • The abundance of borrowed words from the Russian language: neologisms and abbreviations characteristic of the Soviet epoch; • Collocations and illustrative sources (Marxist-Leninist political literature, press of that time, history of the communist party of the Soviet Union, communist party congress resolutions...). In the definitions of the lexical units, you can see the tendency of demonstrating the superiority of the socialist world and the communist ideology, the high moral portrait of a “free” Soviet person and the moralpolitical vices of the capitalist countries are emphasized. It is worth mentioning that the first edition of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Georgian Language is not only a rich source of cultural information, but also the ideological one and reflects the contradictory Soviet years. This again emphasizes that the dictionary is a kind of the reflection of the relevant time.
სამეცნიერო სესია, მიძღვნილი აკადემიკოს ვარლამ თოფურიას ხსოვნისადმი, მასალები, თბილისი, 2024, გვ. 20-26 / Scientific Session Dedicated to the Memory of Academician Varlam Topuria, Proceedings, Tbilisi, 2024, pp. 20-26