Competitiveness of Georgian agro-food products in the European Union market

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
Research on the export agro-food products and the evaluation of its level of competitiveness will play an important role in determining the optimal export potential and local production priorities. The high competitiveness of agro-food products will be one of the cornerstones of the country's food security. And the supply of competitive agro-food products to the domestic and international markets will contribute to the future development of production. The purpose of the research is to determine the level of competitiveness of Georgian export agro-food products and to determine its role in the assessment of export potential. Competitiveness assessment of the export agro-food product was carried out for the EU market. The conclusions expressed by the researcher are supported by the observation of the research product over a period of 16 years and the calculation of relevant indices. The methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, deduction and induction were used for the present study. The article is an analysis of theory and empirics. Competitiveness of agro-food products was evaluated based on revealed comparative advantage (RCA), trade balance normalization, trade intensity index. All data processed by the author. Research agro-food products were selected, on the one hand, taking into account which agro-food products are being exported at the current stage, and on the other hand, which agro-food products can be exported.
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Conference Proceedings: "The World Economy in the Post-Pandemic Period: Implications and Challenges", Tbilisi, 2023, pp. 233-242