ექვთიმე თაყაიშვილის პუბლიკაციები უცხოურ სამეცნიერო გამოცემებში (1927-1938 წწ.)

The article deals with EkvtimeTakaishvili's works published in foreign editions in the period of his French emigration, studied and considered on the basis of archive materials. As it is known, EkvtimeTakaishvili printed eleven articles in the scholarly publications of Paris, Brussels and London in 1927-1938. The articles are written in the French and English languages. These publications are as follows: Journal Asiatique, Byzantion, Georgica, Review de l'Orient Chrétien and Prométhée. The article is appended by the list of E. Takaishvili's foreign publications, but the list is not chronological. It is compiled according to the publications, presented in the languages of the original and the Georgian language, also our translation from french of the article, printed in the magazine Promethee. This historical essay, concerning the intellectual life in Georgia, unlike EkvtimeTakaishvili's other works, more or less known in his mother country before they were published abroad, was never published in Georgian.So it was unknown to the scholarly society up to the present day.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324573862_Rusudan_Labadze_Ekvtime_Takaishvili's_Publications_in_the_Foreign_Scholarly_Publications_1927-1938_in_Georgian_with_English_summary https://www.academia.edu/35868887/Rusudan_Labadze_Ekvtime_Takaishvilis_Publications_in_Foreign_Scholarly_Editions_რუსუდან_ლაბაძე_ექვთიმე_თაყაიშვილის_პუბლიკაციები_უცხოურ_სამეცნიერო_გამოცემებში
დიდი ექვთიმე, თბილისი, არტანუჯი, 2014, გვ. 502-516 / Great Ekvtime, Tbilisi, Artanuji, 2014, pp. 502-516