Global causes of poverty and challenges for small open economies

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
Social problems are diverse, but among them, poverty is perceived as particularly acute both locally and globally. The causes and manifestations of poverty in a particular time and space are somewhat different from each other. The work focuses on the global causes of poverty, which mainly lead to economic inequality in the modern world. Because extreme poverty, unfortunately, is incurable throughout the world. According to 2022 data, one in ten people live in extreme poverty because: income is unevenly distributed and there are significant social barriers; Conflict and violence most affect economically disadvantaged people; Hunger, malnutrition and stunting prevent normal conditions in adulthood; The health system is failing, especially for mothers and children; there is no clean water, sanitation and hygiene facilities; Climate change is an additional pressure; Educational opportunities are limited; Poor infrastructure and basic services cannot (or will not) be received; Less support from the state; It is difficult to find a job and a livelihood, and finally, there are no savings (reserves) in this layer. The manifestation of these global causes is especially acute in economically less developed countries that cannot provide internal resources to overcome the severity of the causes of poverty, which requires targeted, systematic, systemic actions.
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Conference Proceedings: "The World Economy in the Post-Pandemic Period: Implications and Challenges", Tbilisi, 2023, pp. 184-189