The Soviet period before the Second World War in the territorial movement of the population of Georgia

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
The twenty-year Soviet period before the Second World War is characterized by the high intensity of both external and internal migration. The positive balance of foreign immigration is particularly noteworthy due to which, the significant reduction of the relative weight of the native Georgian and Abkhazian population of Georgia could be observed. In the mentioned period, on the one hand, the rapid industrial development of Georgia and the industrial traditions of the local population developed to a lesser degree then, caused the immigration of a large contingent of workers from the central regions of Russia to Georgia. On the other hand, a large-scale famine in Russia-Ukraine in the unfavorable years of 1922 and 1933, caused a large contingent of the population to move to the peripheries that enhanced the incentives to settle in Georgia. In the pre-war period, the process of urbanization of Georgia was accelerated, while the process of organized internal migration became very intense.
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Conference Proceedings: "The World Economy in the Post-Pandemic Period: Implications and Challenges", Tbilisi, 2023, pp. 243-246